
Reasonless Joy


Joy — that comes from existence….. without reason…..just is.

~ Reasonless Joy ~

Have you experienced reasonless joy?

You know, the kind that bubbles up from somewhere inside?
Those times when a smile sweeps across your face irrespective of what’s happening in the outer world???

It’s our true nature.
Often held down or held back by the stories and thoughts we’ve accumulated during our life.

It’s accessible.
First and primary way to increase joy is with the breath. Yes! The breath! It gives us access to our prana, our energetic body. As the prana increases in the body, a biochemical hormonal cocktail is released of endorphins, oxytocin, norepinephrine, and anandamide (bliss hormone). This release of hormones aids the physical experience of relaxation and joy. AND….it’s easily accessed by the breath.

Amazing, right??

Most of us are chasing happiness…..looking for it in relationships, in activities, in substances……yet here it is…as close as the breath.

A beautiful simple breath practice that can begin to give you access to your inner joy is Breath of Light! I recommend to do this practice for 5-8 minutes a day.

Breath of Light

Begin in a seated position with spine tall. You can be seated in a chair or on a cushion on the floor. If you’re sitting on a chair, be sure that your back is straight and not leaning against the back of the chair.

In this breath practice, inhale and exhale through the nose. Keep your eyes softly closed.

Inhale in seven parts. Which means that with the inhale you will make seven short, even “sips” to complete the full inhale.

When you reach the top of the breath, hold the breath in. Turn your gaze up to the third eye- area between the eyebrows. Hold the breath as long as feels comfortable.

Then slowly, softly exhale through your nose.

This is one round. Continue for 5-8 minutes. End with breathing your normal breath, through the nose for 1-2 minutes. Become aware of any sensations or shifts you notice in your mind/body/emotions/being.


I welcome comments on this post to share about your experience!

Blessings and Namaste!

Tagged: kundalini, Himalayan, yoga

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